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Puja Bhat
June 20, 2022

First, Are You Underweight?

Your body mass index (BMI) is the most common way to tell if you are overweight or underweight. It can be used to check if you are at a normal weight for your height and age. You should also consult a registered dietitian or doctor if you are experiencing issues with your weight.

The Reason Why You’re Underweight or Not Gaining Weight

Why you are underweight or not gaining weight. So you are doing strength training, eating a lot of protein and you don't see any improvement, what's the point? The bottom line is that you haven't eaten enough. At the most basic level, weight gain and weight loss is a calorie game. If you don't burn enough calories to gain weight, you can eat whatever you eat and how often you can gain weight. Apart from the basics of the body, individual health factors can also play a role. Certain medications, health conditions, or your genetic makeup can make gaining weight a difficult battle and require a little dedication in the process. Even when you're not hungry, you'll mainly learn to eat until you're uncomfortable and full. Anyway, step 1 stays the same-eat more. 

How many calories do you need to gain weight?

I know what you are thinking-I will eat a lot of food and gain weight as soon as possible. But don't overdo it yet. Your goal is to gain a healthy weight as well as body fat. The number of extra calories you need to gain weight may surprise you. You need to start by understanding how many calories you burn each day and then try to increase your intake from there. This may require some trial and error. With an online calorie calculator such as or below, you can quickly estimate your total daily energy requirements. Be sure to include your planned training in your estimated daily maintenance calorie requirements. The amount of calories you need to add to your estimated daily intake to gain weight depends on your fitness level and body composition at the start. If you are underweight and struggling to gain weight, you may need more calories than someone who is already trying to add extra muscle mass to a healthy body. 

Here are the top nutrition strategies for putting on a healthy weight quickly. 

1. Eat more often to gain weight
 One of the easiest ways to increase your calorie intake is to eat more and more often with each meal. Whether it's eating more than three times a day or multiple snacks, every opportunity to eat is an opportunity to support your weight gain goals. And when you sit down and eat, eat until you are full or until you are full. 

2. Choose small amounts of food to gain weight
 Small amounts of food are an option to pack more calories into smaller parts. This means you can consume more energy without eating too much. Getting more energy in a small package is much easier than trying to eat a salad, but that doesn't mean you have to eat junk food. There are many healthy foods that can meet your growing needs.

3. Eat protein every meal to gain weight
 Eating more food is the key to gaining weight, but the amount of protein you eat is also important. Given that protein is a component of most of the body, especially muscle mass, increasing the intake of this macro is usually necessary to gain muscle mass. In addition, high protein intake may reduce the increase in fat during excess calories. This makes lean body mass an essential product.

4. Cook with healthy fats to gain weight
 One of the easiest ways to add calories to your diet is to cook with healthy fats. Fat is the highest calorie macro (providing 9 calories per gram) and most foods absorb oil during the cooking process. Also, certain oils such as olives, avocados and flaxseed oil have a positive effect on heart health.

5. Use toppings, sauces, and add-ons to gain weight
 As with oils and butter, many toppings and additional ingredients can help you reach your goals. This can help many of the small amounts of food mentioned above. The more add-ons you have, the more ways you can add calories.

6. Track Your Intake to Gain Weight
It's basically impossible to know if you are eating enough food if you aren't measuring your progress. You can easily do this by logging everything you eat and drink using a food tracking app.

7.  Consistent to gain weight
 After all, there is no permanent progress, growth, change, etc. The result doesn't just happen overnight. Healthy weight gain is not something you can invest in for just a few weeks and expect lasting results.

By having our team of nutrition experts take care of your nutrition, spend less time preparing meals to gain weight, and more time in the gym to gain weight. Plan, cook, ship, and deliver high-protein, clean meals to the door every week.

