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Aayush Gurung
June 20, 2022

Our body has the capacity to heal itself from disease. Disease generally happens when we misuse or abuse our body and not providing nutrients which keeps us healthy.

The fundamental unit of our body Cell which are endlessly working to keep us healthy. When we abuse medicine then we kill our bodie's natural ability to heal from within. Our cells have the ability to heal itself as well as replace damaged cells. Even when a large number of cells are destroyed, our body quickly replaces it with new cells in great numbers daily.

Free Radical

What is a Free Radical? It is any atom or molecule that has insufficient number of electrons in its outer shell making it unstable but they are nomal part of our body process. Due to excessive free radical oxidative stress can take place which can lead to cell and tissue damage. The factors may include: Diet , Lifestyle, Certain condition. We can prevent this by:

  • Consuming antioxidant rich foods such as Brocoli, Papaya, Guava..
  •  By taking antioxidant supplements.


We can improve our self healing process by providing ample amount of sleep. The optimal amount of daily sleep is eight hours for average person and 11-12 hours for children. Body rapidly heals itself from daily trauma during sleep. Only providing enough sleeping hours for body is not enough. Those eight hours sleep should be quality sleep. For quality sleep we can :

  • Reduce screen time before 30 minutes until we sleep.
  • Wait for at least 3 hours before sleeping.
  • Do some Meditation.
  • Make Consistent sleeping habits.
  • Take Supplement such as Melatonin which regulates Sleep


A diet rich in vegetables and fruits, and low in processed food is best for us. Processed foods tends to produce more free radicals in our body eventually damaging cells. Protein sources such as beans, some dried fruits.

  • Eating Vegetables raw rather than cooking will conserve its nutritional value. However, lightly steamed vegetables are also good. 
  • If possible look for organic foods which have not been treated with pesticides.


Our body is designed to move and regular exercise strengthens our body and helps reduce emotional stress. Exercise also promotes better sleep. Exercise may not be boring, just a regular walk is sufficient.

By just tweaking small life changes can improve our health in the longterm. And the more we provide our body what it really needs then we donot have to resort to prescription medicines or doctor visits which is crippling. 
